
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Scrying Balls - Seeing The Unseen

Scrying Balls are unique.
They have the ability to create and hold energy for specific purposes and questions.

Scrying balls have been used for for thousands of years, looking into a reflective surface, such as glass, water, a mirror, or a crystal, to gain insight. 

The images seen with a scrying ball isn't foretelling, instead they are images from deep within one’s consciousness, and the ball is the door through which consciousness can be accessed. 
Through this meditation a trance-like state is induced that enables information from your consciousness to pass through the mind’s eye. 
It is here the images are seen, not in the crystal itself.

When you get your ball, wash it using a soft cloth, water, and mild soap. 
This will not only make your ball clean physically, but also help cleanse the ball’s energies as well. 
To completely cleanse your ball of any previous and/or negative energy, it is best to smudge it as well. 
To smudge, simply light a sage smudge stick and pass the ball through the smoke several times. 
Your crystal ball should be cleansed (smudged) before each use.

Handling and Storage:
A crystal ball is very personal. 
You shouldn’t let anyone else touch it as their energies and subconscious thoughts will pass onto it and “contaminate” your ball, causing inaccurate readings. 
The ball may also lose its charge, or your personal influences with it may become weakened and/or corrupted.

To charge your ball, place it in the light of a full moon.
Do NOT place your ball in direct sunlight. 
This will weaken the ball’s magnetism and may render it unable to draw images. 

Using Your Crystal Ball:
Create a relaxed atmosphere by burning candles or incense or by playing soft music. 
I suggest working by candlelight as too much light on the ball can make the images distorted or difficult to see. 
Dim lighting also relaxes the eyes, making it easier to focus on the ball.

You may wish to smudge the room and yourself before beginning your work with the ball.
Relax your mind and body, hold the ball in your hands for awhile to energize it and strengthen your psychic bond with it. 
Think about the purpose for this session. 
You may wish to visualize the topic, or ask a question about it either in your mind or out loud.
Put the crystal down and begin to stare into it. 
Let your eyes relax and go out of focus. 
Try to clear your mind and concentrate on feeling open and receptive.
In awhile you should see a mist filling the crystal and then gradually clearing. 
Keep your eyes relaxed and unfocused. 

Watch for symbols or images appearing in your mind’s eye. 
Do not try to force the images to come. Let them come naturally. 
It is okay if you do not see any images the first several times you use the ball. 
Most people need practice at achieving the necessary receptive and relaxed state of mind before images will appear.
When you do see images, don’t try to make sense of them right away. 
Just take a mental note of what you see. 
Once you have seen the images that you need, they will fade away and the ball will again fill with mist. 
Blink your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow your mind to return to the physical plane. 
A drink of water and a snack will help ground you as you reconnect with the Earth’s energies.
Thank the ball for its message and put it away.

Take notes of the images you have seen as well as any thoughts or impressions that come to mind. 
The images may not be what you expected. 
Sometimes it may seem that the images have nothing to do with your topic or are just plain nonsense. 
Your subconscious mind gives you the information you need. 
The images are often symbolic, and so it may take you some time to decipher their meaning. 
Go with your instinct and intuition. Most often your first impression is the correct one.
Crystal ball gazing takes a lot of practice and patience, but in time you will become more receptive and more adept at reading the crystal.

These powerful spheres are made from fiber optics (man made Ulexite). Man made Ulexite, is comprised of parallel optical fibers, which transmits light from one end of the sphere to the other. 
Each color is designed as a unique vibrational experience, celebrating life and spirit. 
Ulexite is said to bring insight into self and others and sheds light on solutions to difficulties. 
It also is known for amplifying dreams, stimulating imagination and creativity. 
In Feng Shui each specific color can be placed in the corresponding area to enhance the specific auspicious energy: 
green/money and healing, 
yellow/mental clarity, 
turquoise/peace and friendship, 
gray/unconscious thought, 
gold/wealth and winning, jeweled multi color/wealth Also, great for meditation and hypnosis.