
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Moon Ritual Thoughts

We conduct of lives and rituals by the importance of living in harmony with the cycles of the moon, and to bring purpose to our intentions. 
After deciding on our intentions at the new moon, we use the full moon to amplify our intentions through the second half of the cycle.
The full moon has an immense amount of energy and it is so wonderful when we learn how to harness it.
Our Full Moon Rituals are always about detaching from what doesn't work and improving what does.
We use our crystals, White Sage Sticks, the Elements and the Full Moon in our rituals.
One way to detox from negativity is  to clear your energy. Smudging with Sage cleanses your body and your space. The energy of the moon is the most powerful when it is full, so you don’t want to be surrounded by negativity or any negative influence while your performing your rituals.
Think back over the past month, closing your eyes and recalling the events and feelings you've experienced.  As you begin to clear your mind and reflect on those things that are negative, take the piece of paper and write down what you would like to release. This could be a belief you hold, a habit, anger or sadness—anything that is interfering with reconnecting with yourself.
Give yourself permission to release what isn't working for you and say to yourself, “I now let this go. It does not serve me.” Take the corner of the piece of paper over the candle and allow it to burn away what you are releasing. Watch as it literally dissolves before you, and it no longer exists in your life. 
As you destroy one thing, something new now has room to come into your life. Make sure you use the light of the full moon to invite the new as well.
Our monthly Full Moon gatherings always include this ritual and the benefits are so rewarding.