
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Our Lughnasadh/Lammas Ritual

Lughnasadh/Lammas celebrates the beginning of the autumn harvest, the harvesting of grain and making of bread, and the ripening of the first fruits. 
It starts the harvest season that ends at Samhain, on November 1.

Our ritual is simple, celebrating the harvest with grapes and corn, dried grains, and autumn foods like apples.
Instead of gathering in a circle with words, we will spend time in the kitchen and at the grill, incorporating the foods we mentioned above into foods for our feast, we will be having a BBQ as well.
We are baking breads, making cornbread, fruit salads, blackberry cobbler, corn on the cob, pasta salads, BBQ chicken and smoked sausages.
We offer thanks to nature for another year of abundance, we are mindful of relationship with nature and  our connection to it.