
Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Solstice will be happening with the Full Moon

The Full moon and Summer Solstice at the same time happens about once in a lifetime, and 2016 is one of those years!

This is a time when nature offers us wonderful events.
We witnessed  a beautiful show from Mars, on the night of May 31, and now the moon, the sacred feminine, will become full the Night of the Summer Solstice, as we celebrate the power of the sun. 

The moon of June is wide ranging, unreserved to change, It invites us to move, to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible, to enjoy life.

In harmony with nature, it's a time of change that goes hand in hand with the change of season, a time of change in nature, also within us. 

The Summer Solstice and the Full Moon together, happening at the same time is a fervent relationship between the male and female energies.
The energies are at it's pinnacle magically, the implications of this are quite big.
Summer Solstice, after all, is like the sun’s version of a full moon: the height of its annual cycle. So both solar and lunar energy will be at their greatest intensity, and there will be a lot of magic to work with, particularly related to your personal empowerment, change and happiness.

Not only is it the highest peak but also the beginning of the Suns decline, a great opportunity to release anything that no longer serves us or that has been holding us back.

Solstice, is the time to examine beliefs and habits that are no longer working for you.
As you observe the awesome power of the sun this Solstice, and the powerful energy of the Full Moon, choose to free your spirit of anything oppressive.