
Saturday, June 18, 2016

June 20th - Summer Solstice and Full Moon

This year the Summer Solstice and Full Moon is something we haven’t seen in 70 years.

It's a once in a lifetime event, and the North American summer solstice happens is June 20, 2016 at 6:34 PM EDT. That’s the very moment when the sun stands still at its northernmost point as seen from Earth. It waits at the Tropic of Cancer before changing directions and goes south again. 

The summer solstice will be full of pagan celebrations, but add the Full Moon and it will be an amazing rare event.

As expected, many self proclaimed prophets are predicting the sky will be falling.
While there are those that believe the false prophecies and apocalyptic fears based on Astrology and or religion, we just want you to enjoy this exceptional event.