
Monday, June 27, 2016

I'm a Proud Pagan, but it took time


A heartfelt revelation from a young lady in our circle who was living a secret.
We have no comments to make, her letter speaks for itself.

Here's what she wrote and read to all of us at our last Full Moon ritual:

'For quite awhile now I’ve felt like the outcast. 

It wasn’t until lately that I felt I had real friends or even real genuine people around who really cared. 

Regardless of how hard I tried, I had to hide that I was a Pagan because of my desire to be liked and validated.
I pretended to be be like all my non Pagan friends, I even laughed when they made fun of the things I secretly believed in.
I stopped wearing my crystal so no one would ask questions, I came to our gatherings in secret so no one would find out.

But it was tearing me up inside, I thought I wanted to be accepted, to belong to the popular crowd, but it was standing in the way of the most important relationship, the one with myself.

The most reassuring feeling came over me, to stop living trying to impress people who would never accept me for who I really am.
I was tired of living a lie, I'm a Pagan and I'm proud of that.
I put my crystal back on, after charging it during the last full moon and now I want to find my way back to who and what I am.

While I appreciate all the support I receive here, I need to stand on my own two feet, life is about self empowerment and I cannot  progress if I look for approval from the world.
My "friends" don't invite me to join them anymore, I'm okay with that, I'm a proud outcast.
Besides I have people here who understand me and love me, and I'm learning to love myself.

From now on, when I join our circle I do so with no secrets, I'm happy and proud."