Winter Solstice

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hard Boiled Eggs in the Oven

We've never tried this, but we're going to.
If you want to give it a go, here's what you do:

Preheat your oven to 350°F.

Place the eggs in a muffin tin.

Bake eggs for 30 minutes.

Remove eggs from muffin tin and place in ice water for 15 minutes,  or until you can safely handle them.

By the way, if you have difficulty peeling eggs, here's what we do:

Bake 30 minutes or boil the eggs with medium high heat for 12 minutes (once it starts boiling I usually dial the heat back a bit).
Remove the eggs pot and run cool water over them – just until you can safely grab them with your bare hands. 
While the eggs are still warm tap them up against the pot to crack them all over, be careful the eggs are still a little soft at this point. 
Not just once or twice but all over – the entire egg shell should be cracked.
Let them cool the rest of the way in running cool water or in ice water.
When completely chilled select an egg and peel it. If you experience any resistance – run the egg under hot water for a few moments.