
Friday, November 8, 2024

Book of Shadows

Many Pagans keep a journal of all their magical and spiritual thoughts and secrets, it's called a Book of Shadows.
This book is primarily for a witch because it's important for every witch to create and keep a book of records. 
These are a witches personal notes, a journal of your spiritual experiences, dreams and desires.

Regardless if you are practicing Witchcraft or not, your book is a great way to keep things remembered and organized.
For instance, write down how you’ve celebrated the Wheel of the year, that way, when the holiday comes around again you can look back and reflect on what you did.

Keeping track of the moon phases and how they affect us and our pets is something many people do.

You can also record your tarot card readings, you can go back and look at it later and see how accurate it was. 

If you are doing your own dreams interpretations, your Books of Shadows is a good place to record those as well.

Record how you work with the elements, the music you listen to and use for rituals, include everything that is important to you.

It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, homemade is wonderful, it's all up to you.
Here are a few samples:

So, even if you are not a witch, a Book of Shadows for your life's journey is a wonderful way to record who and what you are.