
Thursday, December 12, 2024

Are the Spiritual but not Religious People Attracted to Paganism?

Yes, we've heard it over and over again, "I'm spiritual not religious."
While it may seem so overused, we understand it, we get it.

Critics however feel that this "spiritual-but-not-religious" movement is nonsense.
They feel Pagans who are claiming they have a deeper, more profound understanding about the world we live in are only deluding themselves and should be sitting in a church somewhere.

The critics believe that being a Pagan offers no positive understanding or explanation of belief in any shape or form.
It is believed that unless you have rules and regulations combined with dogma you can't possibly be spiritual.

When we see the increasing number of younger people coming into Paganism, trying to escape the bleak judgements of religion, it's easy to understand why they have had enough of teachings that are dominated by hatred, bigotry and guilt.

Paganism, with the ancient festivals, rituals and belief of a self empowered individual is a real escape from the soulless, stressed-out, non-spiritual traditions of religion.

Paganism honors feminine spirituality, why? Because we are all connected with nature.
In the standard religious world there is little room for the feminine. 
Women have fared very badly in religions throughout history.
Most religions have been run by men, who have suppressed women.

Religions have decided the rights of women, owning property, being able to speak up in the church, even women’s procreation.

All spiritual people (women and men) seek to elevate themselves, maybe with a higher power, but definitely with a higher self. 

While most religions guarantee the path to a spiritual and rewarding destination, keep in mind it was men who invented religion and along with that, a lot of religious baggage.

Somewhere there is a rule that we must rely on a male deity to get things done, if we give ourselves over in worship we are somehow more spiritual.
Pagans, at least our brand of Paganism, teaches getting things done is a do it yourself job, that's because the power always has been within you.
All you have to do is develop the confidence that's inside and channel your own solutions.
As you spend more time understanding nature you begin to realize the answers to many of life’s questions are right there.
For us that is spirituality.

But if a person believes they are helpless and have to ask their higher power to fix things for them (let go, let God) they remain weak and that may be religious, but it isn't very spiritual.

While critics say that paganism lacks understanding and philosophical teachings, we say it's the simplicity of Paganism that makes it beautiful and available to all.
Beliefs don't have to be complicated, threatening or contradictory to be true, we like simple.

How wonderful to be spiritual and to believe in yourself and without all the religious hoopla.