
Monday, May 30, 2016

The Newest Party Drug is, umm, Chocolate

Taking place in Berlin, Alchemy Eros have introduced us to the new drug of choice, chocolate.
Raw chocolate or cocoa is taken in drink, pill or powdered form.

Clubbers claim amazing effects of cocoa to be, well, amazing.
Raw cocoa offers up endorphins as it enters the blood stream, and then magnesium which is a muscle relaxant. 
A study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that cocoa also contains flavanols which improve blood circulation and cognitive function.

A device for snorting cocoa (you read correctly) selling for $50 has been made by chocolatier Dominique Persoone. (we even have the photo)

While there are no known effects (as of yet) from snorting cocoa, it apparently amplifies your experience of the music and the people around you which are things usually numbed by alcohol. 

We'll take a pass and eat chocolate the old fashion way.