
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Our Full Moon Ritual

The Pagan Kitchen full moon ritual is simple yet an effective way to celebrate all the energy during this time.

Straight out of Merlin we hear, "The Old Religion is the magic of the Earth itself. It is the essence which binds all things together. It will last long beyond the time of men."

Magic is about focusing your intentions and using the energy within yourself and within nature to help you achieve a goal.
We honor the magic of the earth, the moon and stars, inviting the energy to be with us.
We offer our sincere gratitude.
That's how we open all our rituals.
With our Pagan Kitchen Circle gathered together we surround ourselves with the elements of the earth.

We use the setting of our herb garden to represent the earth.
Indoors, you could use salt to represent the earth.
Salt has, since ancient times, carried deep cultural and symbolic meaning.

Weather permitting we start around a bonfire – Always candles, everywhere.

Air takes many forms, we enjoy the night air, it's simple and fresh.

With its soothing sounds of flowing water, our water fountain brings stress relief and relaxation to our ritual.

The purpose of the full moon ritual is to release what no longer serves you at a time when the energetic vibrations are most intense.

We have our ritual in a quiet place where we feel positive and peaceful. 
We all write down the things in our lives that we need to let go.

Next we charge our crystals.
Before you put your crystals under the full moon it's a great idea to clean them first.

Smudging is a great way of clearing crystals and stones of unwanted energy. 
Lght your smudging materials and fan them gently to smolder and give off smoke. Now pass your stone several times through the smoke of burning cedar, sage, sweetgrass, or incense.  
When you are finished, take a moment to thank the crystals.
After the cleansing the energy of a full moon is perfect to charge your crystals.
A full moon is the brightest and it is the most effective way to cast off what is no longer serving you  – and your crystals.
Crystals absorb energy, just as you do. Your crystals will absorb the energy of their immediate environment, and if they are frequently handled or used for healing practice, they will need to be cleansed of that energy too.

Set your crystals out. Lay your crystals out on a natural surface. 
This gives an earthing effect, just like grounding your own body.
The ideal time to put them out is just after sunset. 
Pull them in the next morning before the sun rises.
Charge your crystals with your intentions.
Close the ritual.