
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The New Moon and Full Moon are times for Cleansing and Charging your Crystals

First things first: Crystals pick up outside energy.
Before your crystal was yours, it was touched by many hands and likely came into contact with some unsavory energies you wouldn’t necessarily invite into your home or space. So, crystals need to be cleared and aligned with your own personal brand of energy, approximately once a month or after encountering negative or intense energies.
As a result, sometimes your crystals that you are strongly attached to just don't  feel the same as before.
The stone crystal may need to be cleared. Clearing is necessary before using any stone for healing. The clearer the energy of a healing stone, the more powerful it is.
When you purchase Crystals they need to be cleared as soon as you get them, and after every healing. 
A cleared, charged crystal feels positive and cold to the touch. A crystal that needs clearing may feel hot, heavy or drained.
You should then charge the crystal in sunlight or moonlight. (preferably that of a full or a new moon) Here in the Pagan Kitchen we prefer the full or new moon for our crystals.

It is not recommended to utilize water or salt when cleansing crystals. Also it is not recommended to put crystals in the sunlight, as this tends to fade their colors in the sun. Also internal fractures may cause your stone to crack or break if placed in the sun.

Moonlight is another way of clearing your crystals. Simply place outside from the Full to the New Moon. Waning Moons are good times to clear crystals, to dispel old energies, but any time works. 

 Burying your crystal in a cupful of dried herbs will also clear it. Suggested herbs for this are rose petals, sage, frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood. This is a gentle way to clear crystals, and smells great too.

Crystals may also be buried into the Earth. This is especially helpful when you feel deep cleansing is needed. Outdoors, simply dig a hole the size of your crystal into the Earth, place your crystal again point down, and cover with soil. The amount of time needed is personal choice.

In an earlier post we discussed using rice as a way cleaning your crystals. (Our preferred method)

Each New Moon and Full Moon holds a unique Frequency for your crystals, the moons influence will be of great benefit for you and your life and to those around you.