
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Are Disney Movies Turning Animals Into Pagan Gods?

David Barton, a celebrity of sorts in the Christian community is worried about cartoon animals.
Barton warned that Disney movies are humanizing animals by making people believe that they have human-like thoughts and feelings, which is causing people to essentially worship pagan gods.

"If you look back at the time of the Bible, a lot of the idols back then were actually animals," Barton said. "Dagon was the fish God."

Barton claimed that America never had any sort of animal rights movement until this nation got away from the Bible and Disney started producing movies like "Bambi" and "Lady and the Tramp," in which animals were presented as human surrogates.

"The Bible tells us that you are to be kind to your animals," he stated, "but you don't worship your animals, you don't make a Dagon god out of them and that's what we've now done."

                                       Here's a picture of all our Pagan Gods