
Thursday, December 26, 2024

Anxiety, Fear, Depression & Crystals

It's easy for other people to dismiss your anxiety by saying, "oh don't let it bother you, you'll be okay."
Finding ways to relieve stress isn't impossible, but it really seems that way if you have been feeling anxious, stressed or depressed. 
The good news is, it's very possible to relieve anxiety and stress using crystals.

When you start to feel anxious, it is important to remember the situation isn't helpless, and that's where crystals come in.
Using crystals is one of the ways to relieve or at least reduce anxiety so that you can carry on in control, not out of control.

One of the best ways is to use the vibration of the crystals by keeping them on your body, as a pendant, in your pocket, or as close to you as possible.

Keep your favorite crystal on your body for as long as possible each day, carry it with you everywhere you go.
Remember, crystals aren't just an ordinary rock you're dragging around, they are alive, full of energy, and they are there for you.
Yes, that's right, crystals are alive and conscious. 

Understand, crystals are aware of far more than what we humans give them credit for. 
It's your your crystal, you chose each other, it's on your side, it wants to help.

You may ask, which crystal is on my side, how do I choose, how do I know which one is the right one?
We believe that Crystals choose us just as much as we choose them.

When selecting the crystals that are right for you, you should follow your intuition because on a subconscious level we do know what is right for our us, allow your subconscious and the crystal to connect.
Allow yourself to be drawn to a stone.

Often when you first see a range of crystals, one stone will catch your eye, and continue to draw your attention. This is likely to be a stone that will be beneficial to you. At this point you may like to trust your intuition and purchase the crystal. 
However, if you are overwhelmed by choice, or are unsure of what crystal it was that first grabbed you, try standing quietly for a few moments with your eyes closed, and remember the reason that you needed to purchase a crystal. When you open your eyes choose the crystal you feel most drawn to. This will be the stone for you. 

One of the suggested methods of buying a crystal requires that you look at a crystal and see if it "vibrates" with you. All crystals vibrate at their own frequency and some people are sensitive enough to feel these vibrations. 

Holding or placing your hand on a large piece of clear quartz crystal is a good way to develop your sensitivity to these vibrations. Sometimes a quartz may give off a regular pulse of energy; you may feel others as being very cold in your hand, or even warm. 
Some crystals may produce a tingling sensation on your skin. 

Generally a crystal that will be beneficial to you will feel right to you even though you may not be able to describe the sensations it creates. Look through a large number of them until you find just the right one. 

When you seek the help of a crystal, you are enlisting a powerful ally to "raise" your vibrational frequency. 
No matter what the crystal is used for, its desired effect is always an increase in your vibrational frequency. 
We often feel connected to certain crystals because we have a great "vibrational match" with them. 
This vibrational match means that proximity to this crystal raises our vibrational frequency, thus making us feel "good."

Ok, now that you have your crystal and you're carrying it around all day, you may also want to place your stone under your pillow while you sleep, as you will wake up feeling calmer, more relaxed and refreshed.

When you hold your crystal, think of it as a deep breathing experience for your soul. 
Crystals can lead you to inner peace, a refuge from the stress of everyday life. 
There are many different crystals for anxiety, and everyone will resonate with different one.
Trust your intuition when choosing the best healing stones for you to use. 
If you find yourself being drawn to a particular one, trust your instincts and go with that one. 
If you are able to touch and feel the calming crystals in person, hold each one in your hand and see which one feels good with your energy.

There is no quick fix when anxiety, fear and depression seem to be overwhelming, but there are ways to fight the battle.
Fighting the battle may seem hopeless, it isn’t.
It’s worth everything to take small steps forward everyday.

You may have forgotten, but your worth it.