The Greeks used silver vessels to keep water and other liquids fresh.
The writings of Herodotus, the Greek philosopher and historian, date the use of silver.
* The Roman Empire stored wine in silver urns to prevent spoilage.
* The use of silver is mentioned in ancient Egyptian writings.
* In the Middle Ages, silverware protected the wealthy from the full brunt of the plague.
* Before the advent of modern germicides and antibiotics, it was known that disease-causing
pathogens could not survive in the presence of silver. Consequently, silver was used in dishware, drinking vessels and eating utensils.
* In particular, the wealthy stored and ate their food from silver vessels to keep bacteria from growing.
* The Chinese emperors and their courts ate with silver chopsticks.
* The Druids have left evidence of their use of silver.
* Settlers in the Australian outback suspend silverware in their water tanks to retard spoilage.
* Pioneers trekking across the American West found that if they placed silver or copper coins in their casks of drinking water, it kept the water safe from bacteria, algae, etc.
* All along the frontier, silver dollars were put in milk to keep it fresh. Some of us remember our grandparents doing the same.
* Silver leaf was used to combat infection in wounds sustained by troops during World War I and currently the US army has started putting silver threads in their uniforms for bacteria and odor control.
* Prior to the introduction of antibiotics, Colloidal Silver was used widely in hospitals and has been known as a bactericide for at least 1200 years.
* In the early 1800s, doctors used silver sutures in surgical wounds with very successful results.
* In Ayurvedic medicine, silver is used in small amounts as a tonic, elixir or rejuvenative agent for patients debilitated by age or disease.
* Bed Bath and Beyond currently sells ionic silver sticks for use with their humidifiers to help eliminate bacteria growth in the humidifer.
* Hiking stores sell colloidal silver socks (which you can actually make yourself by spraying your socks with colloidal silver and letting them dry) for helping to prevent athletes foot